Fairmont Education Group

2022-2023 A Year in Review

Issue link: http://fairmont.uberflip.com/i/1511157

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North Tustin once again proved its status as an academic powerhouse. The graduating 8th grade class had not just one, but four Valedictorians – each earning the highest possible GPA (4.53). The campus fielded the #2 and #4 debate teams at the National Modified Parliamentary Debate Championship, as well as the top individual debater. North Tustin also left its mark at the Orange County Spelling Bee where a student reached the finals, finishing in the top ten. Last year saw another STEM-tastic performance from our Eagles. They collected one dozen awards at the OC Science and Engineering Fair, while one student took second place in the state for their entry in the Electronics and Electromagnetics field. But beyond competitions, students demonstrated how to take what they learned in the classroom and apply it in the real world. A prime example was a student who created a virtual reality tool to help alleviate anxiety in children undergoing dental procedures — an idea that was subsequently presented at a conference of over 200 physicians and dentists, including the president of the Pediatric Dental Safety Board. #2 + #4 TEAMS IN NATION Modified Parliamentary Debate National Championship 4 VALEDICTORIANS Highest Possible GPA (4.53) TOP TEN FINALIST OC SPELLING BEE Fairmont Middle School In keeping with the compassionate and caring culture that North Tustin is known for, a spirit of generosity was on full display in 2022-23. Students engaged in multiple service and outreach projects to benefit those in need. Among them were a Thanksgiving food drive, a toy drive for military families, and fundraisers and collection drives for victims of Hurricane Ian and the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

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